Monday, February 02, 2009

Steeked Shawls Class

Last Saturday, I went to Village Yarn and Tea for Ruth Sorenson’s class: Steeked Shawls. Talking with her was wonderful. I enjoyed hearing about her homeland, Denmark, as well as all the knitting techniques that she uses. I finished a partial swatch during the class, which still needs to be blocked and have the edge worked. (The edge is part of the swatch process, too!) I haven’t yet photographed it, but plan on it. I am concerned that the colors I used are not enough of a contrast to get a good picture, but I will try.
While there, Ruth pulled out bag after bag of project samples. Seeing all her different items knit up increased my desire to knit all of them at once. She even showed samples for some new patterns that will be released soon. :) Finally, she pulled out her collection of handmade shawl pins and buttons. She said that they are made from the horn of an animal that lives in Africa. She and “her man” (as she referred to him) brought the horn home with them to Denmark where they craft it into the most beautiful items. I bought one the shawl pins from her and wore it proudly on Sunday.


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