Status Update
This last weekend, being a long one, I took plenty of time for knitting. I finished the first sock on two pair (nearly finishing the second on one pair!) and worked a little on my Civil War Shawl. On the shawl, I finished the main body of the shawl and am ready to begin working on the edging. This marks the halfway point on the shawl. I may finish up a few projects that are closer to being done,
and then start working on the shawl again. I’d like to finish a pair of socks or two, and my February Lady Sweater. All of these are nearly done. If I stay in with the current CWS KAL, I have about 2 weeks to wait until the group catches up with me. That should be plenty of time to
finish the sweater and one pair of the socks. At least, if I work on the pair that is nearly done! :)
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