Saturday, March 29, 2008


I received my match and finished the sock for her, last night. It was fun to have such a quick, simple knit. I've "met" my match online, already, but this exchange gave me the opportunity to learn more about her by looking her up on Ravelry. It was fun and I was surprised to see how many of the same groups we're in together!


Marigold said...

finished already? your's is the first one i've seen posted on a blog :) good job!

~RaenWa~ said...

Aww that is so cute I like the yarn color

Karen said...

I love seeing the Wee Tiny Socks popping up all over the place. Yours is adorable!

Jknits said...

It's just darling. I hope your weather gets better quick.

hakucho said...

Very cute :)