Thursday, August 28, 2008

Secret Pal 12: Question of the Week

I’m sure most of us have a proudest moment when it comes to knitting, a project or technique that you've tackled and completed beautifully. What is your proudest knitting moment??

I remember when I finished my first sweater. It had been about 2 years since I started it. The pattern was a complicated cables and lace stitch pattern. The pattern also called for fingering weight yarn on size 3 needles. It really wasn't a beginner’s pattern, but I didn't really “get” that until much later. When I finished it during the month of August, I was so happy to have it done, that I wore it to work! Yes, it was warm, but it was a cardigan, which I carefully folded and hung over a hanger at my desk. Many of my coworkers know that I knit, and asked me repeatedly if this was my latest finished project. I was so proud to show it off, even if at my desk rather than being able to wear it. I still wear that cardigan that took so much time and effort to finish.

How about the flip side? What is the one thing that you can’t get right? What is that one project that you've never been able to complete? Or that you did complete but then hid away instantly because it was too embarrassing?

I have no problem pulling out knitting that is not making me happy. (Several times I've completely finished a project before deciding to rip it out!) Usually, this yarn goes into the stash for when another pattern that I love comes along. I have ripped many projects, but one sweater sticks out in my mind. I fell in love with a pattern that has lacework for about the bottom 12 inches of the pullover. When I finished the sweater, I tried it on and was shocked that my gauge must have been measured hurriedly, as the sweater was way, way too big. Liking the yarn and pattern combination so well, I ripped it out and started over. The second time the sweater came out too small! However, I did realize this before it was completely finished. The third time I knit it, it cam out alright, but the upper bodice (worked in stockinette stitch) was bigger than the lace section. Since I do learn from my mistakes, I now do a swatch in each stitch pattern, but I didn't know, back then. I wear this sweater occasionally, but not that often because it feels a little snug around the waist and a little too loose around the bust. The shoulders don’t fit as well as I would like, either. (As an aside, when I first began to knit sweaters, I didn't realize that a set-in sleeve looks better on me than any other design and this one does not have set in sleeves.)


g-girl said...

wow! that was your first sweater??? you were already on the road to fantastical knitting early on then. ;) it's gorgeous! I, like you, have learned to just frog stuff I'm not happy with too. I guess it comes with experience.

Jknits said...

I'm impressed that you are so willing to rip things out. It's a good attitude to have. I will remember your tip up about swatching in all the stitch patterns. I'm sure it will save a lot of trouble for me (who hates to frog)

knitngardnr said...

my first sweater was a bomb due to guage issues. turned out great, for a 12 year old!

a package is on it was to you! hope you enjoy!